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Back to School Tips and Tricks


Updated: Jul 8, 2020

By Brianna Garcia and Jacqueline Bao

Summer is full of fun! From swimming at the beach to visiting family schedules can become unpredictable and getting back into school year routines can be difficult. Here are 8 tips and tricks to help ease your little one back into the school year.

1. Get back on a school sleeping schedule

With school just around the corner, it is important to ease children back into a regular sleeping routine. Start setting a school year bedtime at least a week before school begins and wake up sleepers earlier each day.

2. Make a calendar

The school year is a busy time and juggling different handouts and flyers can be a mess! Designate a place in the house for an organized calendar to track school menus, after school activities, recitals, field trips, sports, etc

3. Make a Shopping List

Summer is ending, but there is still one activity that you and your child can do together: clothes shopping. Take a weekend to make an inventory of your child’s clothing. Assess what they need for school, whether it may be a uniform or if they have just outgrown some clothes. Be sure to keep in mind some hand-me-downs from older siblings. Organize closets, then make a list of needs for both clothes and school supplies.

4. Prepare for the morning

Mornings can be chaotic when everyone has somewhere to go. Small routinely habits can start your mornings on a good note. Set the breakfast table after dinner. Make breakfast easily accessible or simple. Lay out your clothes before bedtime. Pack your backpacks, purses, and sports bags ahead of time. Locate your keys. Minimize all tasks that burn time in the morning.

5. Tour the school

Being new to an area can create a lot of anxiety for both parents and students. If you have recently moved or your child is starting at a new school, taking a tour or doing a quick stroll around can pacify those First Day of School worries. Hop in the car and take your little one on a quick drive to the school area, or even get to know the principal, classrooms, and teachers.

6. Make a weekly game plan

The school/work week can get busy and juggling activities can be hard. Discuss what activities your child will sign up for. Go over your weekly plan of events, practices, and responsibilities with the family and remind everyone of planned activities.

7. Jump start your child’s brain

Reviewing simple math problems and incorporating them into daily activities can be a fun way to prep your little Einstein for school. Take your little one to the library to choose a couple books to read at bedtime. Try doing simple science experiments to kick start a productive school year.

8. Give the house a deep clean

Back to school means more germs and more illnesses. Take the time to do all that cleaning that you’ve been meaning to do. Practice cleaning habits with your child such as hand washing and sanitizing surfaces. Practice your speed cleaning routine. Clean out and stock your medicine cabinet to avoid rushing when illnesses do occur.

9. Communicate with Teachers

It takes a village to raise a child. Getting to know your child’s teacher may help when challenges may come up. Communicate any goals that you have for your child or if the family dog is sick. Make sure to stay involved come to Parent’s Night meet your teachers and become allies in your child’s education.

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